12/6言いたいことを言おう 水曜 奈央を空港へ送った日 

言いたいことを言おう 12/6 水曜 奈央を空港へ送った日 

もう暗い 雨だ あるいは雪だったりもした日だ

なんてゆーか、きょうはすごくしんどい日だ 身体的にさ


そして最近、波 ってゆーのかな なにかに乗ろうとしている

あぁ くそ ぼーーっとくらくらする

おれはおれの感じるままに ただその通りに生きたいよ!!!





生活の中で ぼくの生きる時間・空間 を自然体で生きたいよ!

Ok, what the hell am I up to now?

OK, im gonna, I am attending a hackathon.
And I belong to a team and the project of the team.
I think I’m trying to ‘succeed’. Not trying to, prob, not to fail…which I can! Surely can!
Why am I limiting myself? What is hiding behind the fear of failing?

And then I’m about to kickstart my career learning project.
This is also a thing which contains a strong 矛盾したもの crashing so it plays a sound of inunity.

I wanted to head over. I was so much fed up with it. I wanted to use my body, get interact with people,
I had so much enough of getting tied to a single point of boredom, of self-denial, of ,,

So I was soooooo thirsty of DOING SOMETHING!!

In that sense, it means so much to get something to do: work! Preparation to work!
It offers me a path to get forward, a path to go to somewhere bright!

And here is where I am, myself feeling a strong sense of not being convinced,
of doing something partially wrong which I do not want to do.

This is where a crash is happening, 6th of Dec, 2017. Takeshi Wan, in Tottori, with Nao.